Personal data such as the full name, address or bank account of some users have been compromised
An ‘Orange’ store, in a file image
Mane Espinosa
11/07/2022 06:40 PM Updated 11/07/2022 08:23 PM
An Orange collection service provider has suffered a cyberattack that has compromised the personal data of a “limited number of clients” of the company.
The operator is currently notifying these customers that a series of personal data such as full name, address or bank account have been compromised by the incident.
This is not a cyber attack on the company itself
The company has informed Europa Press that it is working on notifications and that the problem has nothing to do with a cyberattack on the company itself.
Last week, Telefónica also reported unauthorized access to information about the routers of some of its users and suggested a password change. On this occasion, there was no theft of personal data.
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