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The female presence decreases as the size of the company increases: in MSMEs, 1 out of 8 people in decision-making positions is a woman and in large companies 1 woman for every 10 men. / Photo: Energy 30% of jobs in the renewable energy industry in Argentina are occupied by women, with greater participation in wind power generation projects, according to a report prepared by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Renewable Energy Women’s Association (Ames).When segmenting by type of activity, within the renewable industry, in those dedicated to wind sources the presence of women stands at 30%, while it…

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This text belongs to ‘Artificial’, the newsletter on AI that Delia Rodríguez sends out every Friday. If you want to receive it, sign up here. subscribe to ‘artificial’Dear readers, dear readers: how fast and how slow things happen, right? Last Wednesday I was invited to attend a meeting where dozens of journalists reflected on artificial intelligence. Divided into teams, some quite plausible future scenarios were presented to us. For example: you are a generalist medium and your competition has surpassed you thanks to the fact that they have replaced a large part of the staff with machines, what do you…

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John Grabois and Claudio Lozano. The Patria Grande Front, led by Juan Grabois, and Popular Unity, headed by Claudio Lozano, insisted this Saturday on their demand that the “restrictions” be lifted and they can participate in the internal competition within the Union for the Homeland (UxP).”In the early hours of today Unidad Popular and the Frente Patria Grande talked about the new situation that implies the definition of a conservative guidance formula and defender of the agreement with the IMF at the head of Unión Por la Patria”, Lozano reported on his Twitter account about the formula made up of…

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Google Maps already knows how to speak Catalan. The most popular navigation application has announced that from this Thursday users can use all voice navigation instructions in this language, both in the version of this service for iOS and Android devices. The technology company recalled that the application’s linguistic offer was limited to text. However, from now on, with the new update, these other indications are also available, although the pronunciation is not desirable in many cases. Google Maps application logo is seen on a smartphone Given Ruvic / Reuters To be able to use this feature, the user only…

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The entrance of the trains of the Miter line to the Retiro station was inaugurated VER VIDEO The Minister of Transportation of the Nation, Diego Giuliano, formally inaugurated this Friday the entry of trains from the Miter line to the Retiro station, after the improvement works promoted by the national government that will benefit more than 200,000 daily passengers.The works that reached 65% in the progress of the historic work that improves the entrance of the trains, were developed jointly with Trenes Argentinos and will allow the services to JL Suárez and Tigre to reach the terminal from next Monday.…

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Customers who want to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime must go through a real ordeal, as denounced by the Federal Trade Commission of the United States. This body has sued the company for creating a complex and labyrinthine method to unsubscribe from its premium service, which brings in most of its income. The goal is for your customers to give it up as impossible and end up renewing their subscription. iliad. This is how Amazon has named this system, in reference to Homer’s Greek epic, known for its dense and convoluted plot. This controversial method has eventually run up against the…

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We are the generation that can change the course of the planet. We are living a crucial moment in the history of humanity, a turning point, where our individual and collective actions will determine the future, for us and for future generations.Climate change, biodiversity loss, drought and widespread pollution seem like too big a problem and we often feel we can’t do anything about it. But with a few small actions, we can make a huge impact.With a simple shift in perspective, we can reduce pollution, water use, energy use, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The secret is to stop…

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Super Mario has been the great protagonist of the Nintendo Direct, the presentation with which the Japanese company has just announced its news for the coming months. Specifically, thanks to Super Mario Bros. Wonder, a totally new two-dimensional platform adventure that will arrive on Nintendo Switch in October, and that has been announced shortly after the successful passage through theaters of this character. Read also Albert Garcia Next, we review some of the most outstanding titles of this presentation dedicated to presenting the games that will arrive on Nintendo Switch during the second half of this 2023. Super Mario Bros.…

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They recommend that a licensed gas fitter check the stoves. Gas and electric stoves, balanced draft, heaters and hot/cold air conditioners lead the pre-winter sales ranking, however, when choosing them “we prioritize cost over safety, and that can result in irreparable damage” specialized technicians warned this Wednesday.Télam spoke with experts from the Argentine Institute for Standardization and Certification (IRAM) who develop technical standards for the safe use of various products, and with spokespersons for gas and electricity distribution companies in the City of Buenos Aires in order to investigate what are the security measures, practical recommendations and advice to prevent…

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The large number of new mobile phone models that manufacturers launch each year gives rise to a curious phenomenon: phones have been very similar to each other for a long time -even among special ones such as folding ones-, to the point that many of the launches of the year could be defined as boring. The new Realme 11 Pro+, a mid-range mobile with its own very marked personality, does not run that risk. You may like it or not, but it is one of those phones that does not leave anyone indifferent. The new Realme 11 and 11 Pro…

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