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The presidential candidate of Together for Change (JxC) Patricia Bullrich said this Friday that we must “put an end to the state managing everything” and insisted with “dynamite the Kirchnerist economic regime”while she once again distanced herself from her internal opponent, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, by questioning her attempts to negotiate with sectors of Peronism and pointing out that she “does not carry out a political marketing campaign.”This was stated when speaking at the XVI Atlantic Forum organized in Madrid by the International Foundation for Liberty (FIL), led by Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Prize for Literature, and who debated “Ibero-America, democracy…

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That video of the funny kitty that you wanted to show your partner, the list of best movie releases for this year or the emotional publication of your childhood friends in which you also appear. As you view Instagram stories and posts, you like many of them. Sometimes almost automatically, but other times with a real feeling of satisfaction. In these cases, one often thinks about seeing those posts again, but how to find them again? Very simple, you just have to review the likes you have given. Every time a heart is given to one of the Instagram posts,…

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Messi and Martino in the Argentine national team. Argentine Gerardo Martino, brand new manager of Inter Miami, assured today that both Lionel Messi and Sergio Busquets “will not afford not to compete” in the United States MLS.”One is world champion and the other in the Spanish league. They are not going to afford not to compete. It is in their blood,” Martino said at the press conference he gave today after being made official as the new coach of Intermiami.”Those of us who are used to competing permanently can be in different places and there is only one way to…

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Google’s Iris augmented reality glasses will not finally be launched on the market. This is indicated by information advanced by Business Insider, in which it is ensured that the technology giant would have abandoned its augmented reality glasses project, citing three people “familiar with the project” to whom they have had access. This decision comes shortly after Meta and Apple have put all the meat on the grill with their respective virtual reality headsets: the Meta Quest and the Vision Pro respectively. Google, on the other hand, has decided that the Iris augmented reality glasses project was not viable and…

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Cristian González began his cycle at Unión de Santa Fe (Photo Luis Cetraro). Coach Cristian “Kily” González began his cycle at the head of the Unión de Santa Fe squad this Wednesday, after the controversial departure of Sebastián Méndez to direct Vélez Sarsfield, in the first of two days of work that he will have before Friday’s game against Atlético Tucumán, for the 22nd. date of the Professional Football League (LPF).The 48-year-old coach from Rosario led his initial practice at the Casasol property after being introduced to his managers together with his field assistants Tomás Costa and Ricardo Dealberto, the…

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Cases and covers cause the temperature of the device to rise The sun can damage the mobile. Other sources Mobile devices reaching high temperatures can be considerably detrimental to your system. Something that is especially easy to happen during the summer season. For this reason, if you want to keep a smartphone in good condition for as long as possible, it will be important to take certain precautions to prevent the mobile from getting so hot. One aspect that must be taken into account is that you can identify that a smartphone is overheating by noticing a high temperature to…

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The lawyers asked to acquit those accused of cover-up The defense lawyers of six of the 11 City police officers accused of covering up the crime of Lucas González, the 17-year-old teenager shot to death in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Barracas in November 2021, requested the acquittal of these agents on Tuesday. considering that they had no participation in the event, and some of them formulated harsh criticism of the head of the Buenos Aires force, whom they even blamed for being aware of the maneuvers carried out to cover up what happened.Before the start of the defense arguments,…

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The first days after the release of a smartphone, one is taking special care with how you hold it and where you support it. However, these precautions are quickly forgotten, until it even reaches the point where you don’t even flinch when your phone falls out of your pocket and lands on the ground. But if you want a smartphone to last as long as possible in good condition, you have to keep it protected. Especially to one of its most sensitive and vulnerable elements: the cameras. Many people install a protective glass on their screen and encase their smartphone…

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Photo: Mecon Press The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, led the first meeting of his cabinet on Monday after confirming his candidacy for the Presidency by Juntos por la Patria (JxP), in a meeting in which all the summoned officials agreed to stress the importance of maintaining the focus on managementaccording to what they declared to the press in the framework of the meeting.Massa summoned his team of collaborators to a meeting on the fifth floor of the Palacio de Hacienda that generated special interest, before the beginning of the electoral campaign to choose the successor of President Alberto Fernández.One…

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Today, we live permanently connected to the internet. To this end, home Wi-Fi has become a fundamental pillar, which hinders our leisure or our work when the connection or speed falter. If your wireless network starts to slow down than normal, it’s common to suspect that outsiders are taking advantage of your router. It is true that the sudden slowness of Wi-Fi may be due to a temporary connection problem, be it your own network, your operator, the sending device or the connected device you are using at the moment. But if you have already reset it or have contacted…

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