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Massa and a meeting with a view to the STEP. /Photo: Pablo Añeli. The Minister of Economy and presidential candidate for Union for the Homeland (UxP), Sergio Massa; the chief of staff and candidate for vice president, Agustín Rossi, and the minister of the Interior and candidate for national senator, Eduardo ‘Wado’ de Pedro, have been meeting since 1:40 p.m. with the governors of the ruling party, to analyze the electoral campaign for the open, simultaneous and mandatory primaries (PASO) on August 13.The appointment is at the Federal Investment Council (CFI), located at San Martín 871, in downtown Buenos Aires,…

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Smartphones have become the operations center of work and social life, as well as one of the main sources of entertainment for many people. However, although these aspects are increasingly developed, so are other practical ones, such as mobile phone cameras or, for example, their security. This is where the improvements offered to users come in to prevent risks and keep them informed. This is the case of emergency alert systems. Notifications of any type of incident or critical situation can be received by the administrations of the countries that have these systems, as is the recent case of Spain,…

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The research group led by De Mendoza has revealed key information on how cells regulate the production of membrane lipids. / Photo: Press He Conicet researcher Diego de Mendoza was appointed as a new member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) for his contributions on the mechanisms of cell signaling and adaptation, becoming the sixth Argentine to be incorporated into this organization in whose payroll includes 91 Nobel Prize winners.“It is a great honor to have been elected a member of EMBO. This recognition of my career and especially the work of my group represents an important stimulus for…

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For the CEO of Microsoft, exclusive video games should not exist, neither his own nor those of his competitors. This is how clear Satya Nadella has expressed himself during the trial that has faced the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the United States against Microsoft, and that must determine if the latter has the green light to take over Activision Blizzard for 68,700 million dollars. The verdict will be announced this week. Read also Marc Brugat “If it were up to me, I would love to get rid of all console exclusives, but that is not for me to define,…

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Photo: Raul Ferrari Organizations grouped in the Piquetera Unit (UP) reaffirmed a day of protest called for Tuesday with roadblocks in different parts of the country and epicenter in the city of Buenos Aires, where they will march from the Pueyrredón Bridge to the headquarters of the Ministry of Social Development, on Avenida 9 de Julio and Belgrano, demanding a “increase in social programs and food for community kitchens”.”It will be a great day of protest, with many roadblocks in the interior of the country”the referent of the Polo Obrero (PO), Eduardo Belliboni, told Télam.As planned, the organizations will gather…

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An island in Finland, Ulko-Tammio, will become the first tourist island in the world without mobile phones. It is located in the national park of the Gulf of Eastern Finland and with this campaign they encourage tourists to truly disconnect. Therefore, whoever wants to stay in a hotel and spend a few days on vacation will have to turn off the mobile and leave it in the room at all times. Now, always voluntarily. Read also Victor Endrino Cuesta The goal is to enjoy nature and take a break from social networks and the constant bombardment of information. Also, they…

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The obstetricians claim their work in the dissemination of contraceptive methods. /Photo: Camila Godoy. Obstetricians in Latin America often face barriers to prescribing, providing, or placing contraceptive methods, to offering reproductive and non-reproductive sexual health counseling services that could prevent, for example, female pregnancies, or to perform legal and voluntary interruptions of pregnancies, despite the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that they be incorporated into the practice.This is how they analyzed it 40 professionals gathered in Panama within the framework of the VII Regional Conference of the Latin American Consortium Against Unsafe Abortion (Clacai).”This is the first…

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The second-hand market is experiencing a new golden age thanks to the emergence of applications for buying and selling used objects on mobile phones. On platforms like Wallapop, all kinds of products are sold, ranging from pieces of clothing to vehicles. With the idea of ​​adapting this model to the needs of the livestock world, Vacapop was born. An application that is sweeping the primary sector. The idea was born in Asturias, specifically in Pola de Lena. “We are from this area and we saw the real need among the neighbors. In the end, if you are from a rural…

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Billionaire Elon Musk’s network experienced technical problems globally. The social network Twitter registered this Saturday a drop worldwide with many users reporting service interruptions, which was confirmed by the specialized site Downdetector, which captures such problems in real time.”Twitter died”, was the first trend in Argentina on the network owned by magnate Elon Musk on Saturday afternoon.The social network did not, however, report that there was any problem with the service despite the reports of downtime that began in the morning.”Sorry, you have reached the query frequency limit. Please wait a few minutes and try again”indicates one of the messages…

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The well-known streamer AuronPlay has announced that it will stop generating live audiovisual content on Twitch as of July 1, 2024. The Catalan has revealed it in one of his live broadcasts on the streaming platform owned by Amazon, in which he has offered some details of your negotiation with this company. The content creator has indicated that his intention is to regenerate videos for his YouTube channel as soon as his contract with Twitch ends. “From there, we will most likely return to YouTube videos, which is something that, frankly, I want,” he said. Read also Ada Sanuy AuronPlay…

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