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Photo: Eliana Obregon An 18-year-old boy who disappeared a week ago with a friend in Florencio Varela’s party was found semi-calcined and with signs of having died from mechanical suffocation, on the side of a highway under construction, in the Buenos Aires town of Guernica, they reported. this Friday police and judicial sources.This is Lautaro Morello (18), who was wanted since last Fridaywhen he came out with Lucas Escalante (25), still missing, to celebrate the victory of the Argentine National Team against the Netherlands in the quarterfinals of the World Cup in Qatar.After confirming the identity of the victim, around…

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When buying a new television, there are many factors to take into account to make the decision. The brand, the inches, the image resolution, whether or not it is a smart TV, sound quality… But the task does not end when you finally opt for a model. But the time to place the television at home is not a trivial matter. The location of the TV greatly influences the viewer experience. The place where you place it will affect the quality of the sound and the sharpness of the image and it is also essential to avoid visual discomfort or…

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Photo: Deputies Press The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation ordered this Thursday that the four national deputies appointed to represent the lower house in the Nation’s Council of Magistracy be sworn in, considering their initial appointment correct and stating that they have “the constitutional duty to adopt the appropriate measures to avoid eventual paralysis” of that body in charge of administering the Judiciary, proposing judges and controlling their conduct, reported court sources.The deputies ordered to take the oath are Rodolfo Tailhade and Vanesa Siley, of All Front; Alvaro Gonzalez, PRO, and Roxana Reyes, UCR.The Court considered valid the…

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As the end of the year approaches, the platforms publish their summaries and reports of the statistics that have been achieved throughout the year. It is a good x-ray so that all users can know how this 2022 has gone. Twitch, as Spotify already does with Spotify Wrapped, also offers the possibility of knowing first-hand all the data that has been collected during this year. It is what is known as Twitch Recap 2022. In this sense, the streaming platform allows content creators to see how many hours they have been online, how many subscribers they have gotten and which…

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Cannabis could be used in food. The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, headed this Thursday the extraordinary meeting of the National Food Commission (Conal) in which the use of Cannabis Sativa L. in food and its subsequent incorporation into the Argentine Food Code was analyzed (CAA).”The possibility of incorporating the use of cannabidiol in food into the Argentine Food Code is a huge opportunity from what is production, development and industry and, of course, it is also a boost to the economy”Vizzotti said during the opening of the meeting held at the Kirchner Cultural Center.The minister indicated that regulating the…

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The cold and icy weather this winter means that putting on the heating every day is almost mandatory if we want to face the low temperatures at home. However, the energy crisis and exorbitant energy prices make us think more than once whether or not to turn on the heating system in our house. Not surprisingly, according to a study the energy bill has increased by 70% since last year. In other words, the household bill has risen by 550 euros. Faced with this energy crossroads, technological solutions are sought to store energy efficiently at home and at low cost.…

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The Lyon defender played one of his best matches for the national team. (Photo: Fernando Gens) Nicolás Tagliafico was satisfied and “happy” with Argentina’s resounding victory against Croatia 3-0 in the semifinals of the World Cup in Qatar, which placed them in the sixth final in their history, and assured that “the more we suffer, the more celebrate, we are where we wanted to be”.”Although today was not so suffered, the more we suffer, the more we celebrate, that’s why the relief at the end”, indicated the defender after Argentina’s victory against Croatia 3-0, for one of the semifinals of…

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Elon Musk is still hell-bent on changing Twitter. During these first weeks at the helm of the microblogging company, the tycoon has completely transformed the subscription system. As of today, that service costs $8 a month, $11 on iOS devices. In return, users will be able to edit their tweets, post higher-quality videos, a reading mode, and change their name on Twitter and display their name or profile picture. Different colors will also be used for account verifications. But that is not the only change that the tweeter boss will execute. The businessman had anticipated that the company was working…

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Eva Kaili, 44, was a presenter on Greek television. (IG evakaili) The president of the European Parliament (EP), Roberta Metsola, announced on Monday an “internal investigation” and the suspension of visa exemption negotiations with Qatar in the midst of a major scandal over the alleged payment of bribes to members of the Union Legislative Union (EU) by that Arab country.”Make no mistake, the European Parliament is under attack, European democracy is under attack”, Metsola said in an EP plenary session at its headquarters in Strasbourg, France, and his first public comments on the scandal, which broke last Friday, three days…

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Google will merge the Waze mapping service with the team that oversees the company’s Maps product, in another move within the big-tech sector aimed at streamlining operations and cutting costs. It’s the first major workflow change affecting the Waze GPS-assisted navigation and real-time automotive transit platform since Alphabet’s acquisition in 2013. Since then, the team in charge of Waze has been completely independent from that of Maps, although sometimes the Google maps server has acquired some of its functions. Now the staff of both applications will be merged, which will not cause significant changes in either platform. The staff of…

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