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Argentina will deepen ties with the Asian country, stimulated by Perón and interrupted by the dictatorship / Photo: AFP. Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero will travel this Saturday to the city of Dacca, together with a delegation of businessmen, to carry out the opening of the Argentine Embassy in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.”Cafiero’s visit represents a significant event for Argentine geopolitics, since it is located at the crossroads of South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia, as well as the initial kick to expand bilateral trade with the eighth most populous country in the worldwith a market of more than…

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The popular platform Netflix has decided to completely change its modus operandi, causing a stir among its customers and users. Since February 21, subscribers have been forced to set a primary location to continue accessing content on the platform. The objective is that those who used the service without paying for it (sharing accounts of other clients, relatives, friends or acquaintances) register with their own account. However, there are many loopholes in this new system. The company has created this option with a view to exercising greater control of its customers, checking the locations from which the same account is…

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Photo: Florence Dowens The Division of Crimes Against Vulnerable Groups of the City Police ordered this Wednesday to search the home of Delfina Silva Zarranz, mother of the Arcoíris girl, to carry out her arrest, the family lawyer reported while organizations defending the girl called themselves in front of the address where the City Police were trying to fulfill the request.Through a statement that circulated dizzyingly, they explained that “The City Police break into Arcoiris’s house. They want to hand her over to the abuser and arrest her mother Delfina for disobedience. What disobedience? Not handing over the girl to…

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Microsoft will publish its games on Nvidia’s GeForce Now platform for ten years. This agreement between the technology giant and the manufacturer of graphics cards was announced yesterday in Brussels, coinciding with a private hearing in which Microsoft tried to convince the antitrust officials of the European Union about its intention to buy the publisher Activision Blizzard for 68.7 billion dollars. Read also Albert Garcia The contract between the two companies was presented by the president of Microsoft, Brad Smith, at the end of the aforementioned non-public hearing. This announcement came a few hours after another important agreement was announced,…

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Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi. Photo: Pepe Mateos. The national government modified the regulatory decree of the Financial Information Unit (UIF) in order to “allow the creation of more delegations” of the organization in the interior of the countrywith which the city of Rosario, punished for the criminal actions of drug trafficking, will be able to have a government office, as requested by the governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti.”President Alberto Fernández amended the regulatory decree of the law creating the FIU to allow the creation of more delegations of the organization in the interior of the country. In this…

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Microsoft has announced that it has reached an agreement with Nintendo to bring Xbox games to the consoles of the Japanese company for 10 years, something that includes the popular Call of Duty from Activision Blizzard. The signing of this binding contract between the two companies has been announced a few hours after the American giant holds a private hearing in Brussels with the aim of defending before the EU its intention to buy Activision Blizzard, an operation through which has promised to pay the figure of 68,700 million dollars, but which is encountering objections from various competition regulatory bodies…

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The official carnival of Corrientes said goodbye until next year. Photo: German Pomar. The official carnival of the city of Corrientes said goodbye until 2024 with the parade of the champion comparsas from all over the province, to the rhythm of samba, in a sold-out night at the venue where the celebration is held that lasted until dawn with the colors and brightness of its most popular festival.With 95 percent of the hotel capacity occupied in the capital of Corrientes, according to official sources remarked on Monday night, the corsódromo “Nolo Alías” showed until after 5 in the morning that…

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Upon arrival at the board of directors of Twitter, Elon Musk wanted to bet on Blue, a paid subscription model on the platform. The irruption of the new CEO has led to important changes with an eye on achieving income that makes the company viable. But a good part of the modifications have not been well received by the users. A couple of days ago Twitter announced that only Twitter Blue users will be able to use the SMS two-step authentication system, a security feature that all users now enjoy. Therefore, it will no longer only be necessary to pay…

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Photo: AFP China on Monday called US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s claims that Beijing is considering sending weapons to Russia to help it in the war against Ukraine as “false.””It is the United States and not China that is constantly sending weapons to the battlefield”said the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang Wenbinwhen being questioned in Beijing about the statements by the head of US diplomacy.The spokesman called on the United States to “seriously reflect on its own actions and make more efforts to calm the situation, promote peace and dialogue, and stop blaming others and spreading false…

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If there is a reason why Super Mario Bros. is remembered (and played) almost forty years after its release, it is none other than its wonderful level design. Japanese creative Shigeru Miyamoto demonstrated unprecedented creativity in creating stages filled with pipes, obstacles, and enemies for the player to overcome. That good work when it comes to designing fun levels has been one of Nintendo’s hallmarks ever since, and it’s the same thing that MarioGPT is now trying to emulate, an artificial intelligence capable of generating levels like there was no tomorrow. Read also Albert Garcia Using OpenAI’s popular GPT-2 tool,…

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